Below are some amazing facts about Green Cards, and reasons why they get denied.
Have you ever somebody who has not been able to get a Green Card, despite having taken part in the American Visa Lottery several times? There are several reasons why applications are unsuccessful, some of which are listed below.
1. Immigration Violations
- If you violate US Immigration laws in any way, you will not be successful in getting a Green Card. Some of the common violations include smuggling aliens across the US border, entering the US illegally and committing fraud to obtain a US Visa. In some cases, the individuals from Lusaka are permanently barred from taking part in the American Visa Lottery.
2. Security grounds
- You cannot get a Green Card if your presence in the United States is perceived to be a security risk. No one with links to terrorists and saboteurs, as well as those who may have ill intentions towards the US government will be granted a Green Card.
3. Ineligibility

- Most applicants are not successful because they don’t meet the necessary requirements. Any mistakes, inconsistencies, and unclear facts will lead to automatic denial of one’s application. For your application to be successful, you must adhere to the given deadlines and follow the instructions to the letter. You must also provide the correct supporting documents from Zambia to add weight to your application.
4. Health grounds
- A thorough health check is an important part of the application process. The results of this health check will indicate whether you have a medical issue that may put the health and safety of US citizens at risk. Health conditions that may be cause for application denial include mental and physical disorders, as well as communicable diseases.
5. Criminal grounds
- Evidence of criminal conviction will automatically lower your chances of success in the American Visa Lottery. Perpetrators of crimes like prostitution, money laundering, drug trafficking, aggravated felonies and terrorism do not qualify for Green cards.
6. Drug-related reasons
- Any applicant who has a drug-related background will not get a Green Card. Drug traffickers, abusers, and addicts are considered to be a liability and a danger to US citizens. If you happen to use drugs, get cleaned up and stay drug-free for a while before you apply.
7. Economic grounds
- The US administration does not take kindly to individuals who come into the country from Zambia and expect to live off public resources. An application for a Green Card, therefore, must be accompanied by proof of adequate funds for self-sustenance. A sponsor must also have enough assets to support the applicant at 125% above the normal poverty guidelines.
If you adhere to the above guidelines, your plan to get a Green Card in the American Visa Lottery will be successful. Just make sure that your underlying reason for applying, whether employment based or family based, is solid. Give the authorities all that they need to approve your application, and you will soon be on your way to a new life from from Lusaka to the United States!