- Our coffee cherries are harvested by hand, called selective picking, from April to September, during Zambia’s dry season. The cherries must be bright red, glossy and firm. Once picked, the coffee cherries must be processed immediately.
- Munali Coffee is now produced on a family farm named « Mubuyu » on this fertile plateau at the foot of the historic mountain pass. The local community benefits from rigorous ethical farming practices under an internationally recognised set of criteria.
- Willem Lublinkhof, the founding director of Mubuyu came to Zambia 50 years ago with the Dutch development service. He quickly fell in love with the country and its people. After having met his future wife Meta from Denmark they settled at the foot of the Munali pass where their passion for farming grew more and more. It was in 1971 when they first commenced farming with wheat, soya and other crops on Mubuyu.
- Then, over a decade ago, the Lublinkhof family decided to start farming with coffee. The estate also comprises a flourmill operating 24 hours a day, several irrigation dams, housing for workers, a school, a clinic and even a football team.
- We are a leading food and agri-business supplying a broad portfolio of products to over 22,000 customers.
- Established in 1989, and now listed on the Singapore Exchange, our team of 72,000 full-time, seasonal, and contract employees have built leadership positions in many of our businesses such as Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Edible Nuts and Spices.
- As well as growing crops in our own orchards and plantations, and sourcing from around 4.7 million farmers globally, our innovation centres develop ingredients and find solutions for our customers. We also provide support services including risk management solutions and agri-logistics. In Africa only, through our Packaged Foods Business, we market our own brands directly to consumers.
- Our scale and insight means we share learnings from one crop to another, driving efficiencies for Olam and customers. Coupled with investments in processing, we have clear line of sight across these supply chains. We are also firm believers in the ability of large-scale and small-scale farmers to work hand in hand, increasing volumes and stimulating opportunity around our operations through smallholder ‘outgrower’ programmes.
- Our Products includes: Confectionery and Beverage Ingredients, Cocoa, Coffee, Edible Nuts, Almonds, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Sesame, Spices, Onion and Garlic, Pepper, Tropical Spices, Chillies, Tomatoes, Food Staples, Dairy, Edible Oils, Grains and Feed, Rice, Sugar, Cotton, Fertiliser, etc.
- We source and process our mealie meal products locally and provide a range of other food products such as flour, insembe, sugar, salt and rice to our ever-growing consumer base. We focus on quality and accessibility as we work hard to serve the nation and our consumers within a proudly Zambian ethos.
- We set high quality standards for all our products and by maintaining a stringent in-house quality control check we are able to ensure that all our products meet our quality promises before leaving our plant. We aim to ensure that all our supply chain partners are invested in our company values and quality standards to ensure that from the raw materials to our end users our quality standards far exceed the standards set by the market backed with a customer guarantee.